Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos

sin logotipo

El Prat de Llobregat - Bajo Llobregat (Barcelona - Cataluña)


Fabricación de jabones, detergentes y otros artículos de limpieza y abrillantamiento; fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos

Productos y servicios

Fabricación de productos de peluquería y cosméticos.

Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos

Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos

Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations

This private company, also known as Montibello, is engaged in the manufacture, sale and export of professional hair care products. The company was founded in the year 1967 and has its registered head office in El Prat del Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. The company is the first professional cosmetics company in Spain. It offers hair colour products (oxidation hair dye, semi permanent hair dye, oxidizing agents, bleaching powder, protectors), perming products (perms, protectors, reinforcers), hair styling products, and shampoos and treatments (color protect, shine contrast, color reflect, silver white, total repair, densi volume, ultra rizzo, ultra lisso, pure control, balance control, sensi control, hair loss control and solar care). The company distributes its products through its points of sales in A Coroña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bizkaia, Las Palmas, Madrid, Malaga, Oviedo, Sevilla, Valencia and Zaragoza. Outside Spain, it has sales point in the Republic of Chile.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal

CALLE VALL D´ARAN, 13 - - 15

CP: 55481 - EL PRAT DE LLOBREGAT (Barcelona)

Tlf: +34 934784800
Fax: +34 934784859
